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George Aboumrad

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With over 25 years of engineering experience, Mr. Aboumrad has managed diverse geotechnical, materials testing, and environmental projects throughout his career as the Principle Engineer, Founder and President of Geo-Sci.


Mr. Aboumrad has performed geotechnical analyses and prepared reports for subsurface investigations for highways, dams, bridges, industrial facilities, chemical plants and multi-story structures.


Mr. Aboumrad’s environmental experience includes Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, hydrogeological studies, drilling, and monitoring well installation. In the field, Mr. Aboumrad has observed and inspected test boring drilling, caisson drilling, auger cast pile drilling, fill placement, concrete foundation construction, pile driving inspection, and plate and pile load tests.


Mr. Aboumrad has extensive experience working with local governments and agencies. He has developed and maintained contracts for North Eastern Ohio Regional Sewer District and the Ohio Turnpike Commission totaling over $2 million in consulting and testing fees.



Professional Engineer


University of Pittsburgh, PA


Southeastern Massachusetts University

State of Ohio, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania

Master of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Bachelor of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering

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28 Years Together

These last 28 years would not have been possible without the great partnerships and friendships that we have forged.  We remain dedicated to providing the highest quality of service to our clients by thoroughly understanding their needs and their goals. 

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T: (440) 234-8985

F: (440) 234-8940

110 Blaze Industrial Parkway

Suite A

Berea, Ohio 44017

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